Adult Protective Services (APS) supports the health and safety of vulnerable adults from the risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and extortion. The growing trend of elderly abuse is highly challenging and necessitates APS agencies to have a cost-effective, efficient, and integrated IT systems for successful case management. APS agencies strive to help individuals live free from abuse by supporting choice and independence.
HTC Global Services’ Cloud based Next Generation Adult Protective Services Case Management System efficiently manages the entire lifecycle of APS cases from intake to case disposition.
Our APS system is easy to customize and can manage the diverse needs of any APS agency. It efficiently manages the complex business processes and caseloads, detects risks, and provides executives the right data to lead their APS initiatives. It permits caseworkers to have a unified view of all the aspects of a case, automatically escalate or delegate tasks, search and retrieve data quickly, and automatically generate forms and outbound correspondence. Our case management system empowers APS workers and management to make well-informed decisions that increase the probability of a successful case disposition.
The case management platform supports mobile features, including voice memo, photo capture, geo-tracking and one-step data capture in real-time and offline, eliminates burdensome paper processes, and significantly reduces the workload for caseworkers. It utilizes a wizard-driven approach to capture the necessary data without any gaps. It provides alerts and notifications along document management features to enable timely processing of the cases and accurate completion of service plans. The APS agency management can monitor the effectiveness of cases and service plans, utilize the advanced reporting and metrics that display the status of APS services on an easy to read and understand graphical dashboard with drill-down capabilities. It mitigates fraud and errors through the case read module by using algorithms for case selection that can be customized.
As an end-to-end case management system, our cloud-based APS system helps caseworkers to expedite response, enable timely intervention, and decreases the time from intake to case disposition.
Functional Capabilities
Mobile Features
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